The storm

A fire moves through my sternum

I hear the rain crash harder into the flyscreen

My chest, tight

Pupils darting around the room. I can’t hold your gaze

Lips, dry, torn


Short, sharp

Voices pollute the room

Glasses clinking

Humans, laughing

My mind



You’re there

Somewhere in the back. But always there

That light in your eye. The orange one. It’s burning

Deep cracks in your thick skin

Smiling, anguish

I exhale

Breathing heavier now



Watching them talk amongst themselves

Heart, racing as you grab hold


Forcing. It hurts

Can you come closer?

The water rises

Salt buried deep in my lungs. Dust in my mouth

It’s damp. Heavy. I’m starting to drown

Waves crashing over

And over. Waiting

I hope you enjoy your stay

Whispered the storm